Why Did The Mills Family Leave The Parent Test?

Publish date: 2024-05-02

The Mills Family dropped out of The Parent Test because Jordan tested COVID positive. They spent five days in a hotel room.

In the season finale, the parents were asked to bring their kids as there would be challenges.

The Mills parents were already in Los Anglese, while Jordan and Mariah handled other children.

The Parent Test team called the kids and said they would fly them out on Wednesday to Los Angeles, but Jordan had a football match that day.

Once they reached LA, there was a process for covid testing. The kids lived in a different hotel room from their parents, and they went for the test in the morning.

While everybody passed the test, Jordan did not pass it. He was not sick, so they continued the process again. But the test result came positive. As a result, they could not participate in the show.

Jordan wanted the family to go to Disneyland even though he would have to stay at the hotel room. However, the family declined and decided to stay with him instead.

As a result, for the five days, they had to live in a hotel room.

Afterward, the Webb family came back to the hotel and bought toys for them. Although all were busy with the show, they were thoughtful enough to bring them gifts.

Some said they were not on the show because Disney did not like that they were traditional families.

When one fan asked if they left because of the Covid rules of the state, she said she believed the laws were made by the state.
