Plane Crazy: 23-Year-Old in Love With an Aeroplane, Cant Be Intimate With Humans

Publish date: 2024-05-05

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Sarah Rodo is not attracted to people at all, instead, she falls in love with objects and currently she is in a relationship with an aeroplane, a Boeing 737 to be precise.

The German woman discovered her attraction to objects from the age of 14 and had tried to date two men before but did not feel the desire to cuddle or be intimate with them.

Her sexual orientation is best described as ojectophilia. She feels strong feelings of love and attachment to objects and even gets intimate with them according to News24.

She has 50 replica models of the plane at home and has also identified a real plane as her partner and calls it "Dicki". She regularly takes flights around Europe on the Ryanair plane.

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Sarah also has two tattoos of the aeroplane on her arm. Before she fell in love with "Dicki", she was infatuated with a train, an ICE 3.

Beautiful female flight attendants turn heads with smooth dance moves

Earlier, Briefly News reported that dancing is fast becoming an easy way for employees to liven their workplace and some people let netizens into their nice dance time at work by uploading it on social media.

A video of two female flight attendants having a nice dance time in an aeroplane has stirred reactions on the net.

The showcase was ignited by one of the ladies identified as Athenia Paul on TikTok. The social media savvy Athenia from time to time shares videos of her activities at work and this one was one of them.

Passenger with no flying experience lands plane after pilot becomes immobilised

In similar news, a passenger who stepped up to the mantle to land a plane after the pilot became incapacitated has earned praise on social media.

Pilot unable to land plane

CNN reports that the passenger, who had no flying experience, landed a private plane in Florida on Tuesday, May 10.

The passenger was heard telling air traffic control that he did not know how to fly a plane during the incident.
